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Gravity Forms Template Library

Gift Certificate Order Form Template

Sell gift certificates directly on your WordPress website. Easily accept payments and collect all necessary information with this gift certificate order form template.

Hexigon animation Hexigon animation

What you’ll love about this form...

  • Totally customizable
  • Provides a personalized user-friendly experience (thanks to conditional logic and a multi-page layout)
  • Integrates with a wide assortment of Gravity Forms payment Add-Ons, including Stripe, PayPal, Square, Authorize.Net, Mollie, and many more

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All you need to know...

Use this gift certificate order form to sell gift certificates on your website. The form template is fully customizable - add, edit, or delete form fields based on your specific needs - and incorporates a selection of features including conditional logic and a multi-page layout to ensure a user-friendly experience for all your customers.

The template also integrates with a wide assortment of payment processors, email marketing services, and CRMs.

To take payments on your website with this template you will need to install a payment Add-On. Check out our Pro and Elite license pages to learn more about the payment Add-Ons included in these plans.

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