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We’ve Launched New Community Features!

Jeff Matson By Jeff Matson Published October 17, 2018

Remember our post back in March when we asked 3rd-party developers for information on their products? Well, It’s time to unveil the newest addition to the Gravity Forms website that we’ve been working so hard on, and it’s all about the Gravity Forms community!

Since Gravity Forms was launched over 9 years ago, it’s gained quite a following within the WordPress community. Every day, developers around the world are releasing new Gravity Forms add-ons that continue to push the boundaries of how user input is obtained, processed, and displayed on WordPress sites. With such a massive following, we’ve decided to focus our efforts over the last several months on those 3rd-party add-ons that make Gravity Forms the powerhouse that it is.

Introducing the Gravity Forms Add-On Directory

Gravity Forms Add-On Directory Screenshot

Here at Gravity Forms, we pride ourselves in putting our customers first and giving them as many resources as possible to make their forms the best that they can be. Many times, the perfect solution is inside a 3rd-party add-on that they might not otherwise know exists. That’s why we’ve created the Gravity Forms Add-On Directory where new add-ons can be discovered much more easily, regardless of where they are hosted.

The new Add-On Directory will be a huge leap forward in how people discover and share Gravity Forms add-ons. Finally, users are able to access a single place to discover the perfect add-on to fit their needs. For developers, that also means that their add-ons will be in front of that massive audience as well!

If you’re an add-on developer and want to see your add-on included within the add-on directory, let us know on our add-on submission form.

All New Gravity Forms Community Forums

Gravity Forms Community Forums Screenshot

If you’ve ever submitted a support ticket to us, you know that we love helping our customers, but what about those other little questions, comments, or discussions that don’t seem quite fit for a support ticket? Along with our new Add-On Directory, we’re also unveiling our new community forums!

Whether you need help, want to discuss Gravity Forms features, or even show off your super-fancy forms, there’s something there for Gravity Forms users from beginning to advanced. Join our new community forums today to get started!

We’d Love Your Feedback!

Have an idea for how we can improve the community surrounding Gravity Forms? Let us know in the comment below!