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Google Address Autocomplete in Gravity Forms

Auto-suggest and fills the addresses fields with the help of Google Places Suggest API.

Google Address Autocomplete in Gravity Forms

Address Google Autocomplete In Gravity Forms is a Gravity Forms add-on that auto-suggests and fills the addresses fields with the help of Google Places Suggest API.


✓ Destination Suggestions Via Google Places API.
✓ Autofill Capability For Zipcode, City, and Country.
✓ Support multiple search forms on one page.
✓ You can limit search results by country too.
✓ (Select WordPress as source) Autocomplete values from one of the Post Types and Taxonomies.
✓ (Select Manual as a source) Add autocomplete values in bulk to use in forms.

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This plugin is supported by the developer on their site. We do not provide direct support for this add-on.