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G-Forms hCaptcha

A new way to monetize your site traffic with the hCaptcha addon for Gravity Forms.

A new way to monetize your site traffic with the hCaptcha addon for Gravity Forms.

This hCaptcha addon is a drop-in replacement for reCAPTCHA that earns website owners money and help companies get their data labeled while blocking bots and other forms of abuse.

Privacy Notices
With the default configuration, this addon does not:

track users by stealth;
write any user personal data to the database;
send any data to external servers;
use cookies.
Once you activate this plugin, the hCaptcha-answering user’s personal data, including their IP address, may be sent to the hCaptcha service.

Download This Add-On

Visit the developers website to purchase or download this third-party add-on.

Request Support

This plugin is supported by the developer on their site. We do not provide direct support for this add-on.